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日本 Yamaguchi, Iwakunithe Broccoli grill

位於 3 Chome-9-7 Marifumachi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi 740-0018日本 的 燒烤

👇 點擊導航 👇




4.6 (155 則評論)



開始營業時間: 18:00













許多人應該都知道,如同在沖繩那樣,美國政府在山口縣岩國也設有美軍基地。因此在岩國週邊催生了不少為美軍職員或眷屬們所發展的服務,尤其是美式餐館與酒吧,甚至是原汁原味地搬移到日本來。 這趟旅行已連續吃了好幾天的和食,想說既然來岩國乾脆體驗一下這種特別的文化。於是在網路上查到這家位於岩國站附近的手作漢堡專賣店-The Broccoli Grill,該店是在一般大樓的二樓,雖然有招牌標示,但沒有特意做得很搶眼,慢慢從階梯走上去後,會看到左手邊有一扇門,他的門把是用瓦斯管線改裝的,到底要如何打開那扇門,我們在那邊研究了一會兒才找到解答,至於是往前推或左拉,這個部分就留給大家去那裡時親自推敲玩味吧! 入店後第一眼看到的就是吧台區,右方是桌椅座位用餐區。每桌之間都稍微保持距離,不致於太過擁擠,我覺得這樣的安排對店家來說會少了收更多客人的空間,但不管對家庭、朋友聚餐,或情侶約會,用餐聊天時不會和其他客人互相干擾,是一種貼心的表現。 店內的招牌當然是漢堡,菜單的設計非常清楚且趣味,即使你不懂日文或英文,看著菜單上的圖示絕對秒懂那是含什麼食材的漢堡。 點漢堡有附現炸薯條,如果不夠的話可另外加點其他像是沙拉、炸雞翅、烤牛排之類的單品。當然除了酒以外,不喝酒的人可以點非酒精飲料來喝。當天的客人我一眼掃過大概有超過半數以上是西方人,推測應該是住日本的外籍人士,外表不太像是觀光客,有些人跟店員互動看似熟絡,或許是他們的熟客吧! 店中一角的牆上貼著客人當作小費的美金紙鈔,美國人浮誇起來也是很厲害,其中一張上面寫著「Best Burgers in JAPAN」,漢堡的確是水準以上的好吃啦,但是不是日本第一,這個我就無法掛保證了~ 地址:山口県岩国市麻里布3-9-7 白木ビル 2F 営業時間 :11:30〜14:30、18:00〜21:00 交通方式:從岩國站步行約5~7分鐘 Many people are aware that, like in Okinawa, the U.S. government has a military base in Iwakuni, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Consequently, numerous services catering to U.S. military personnel and their families have emerged in the vicinity of Iwakuni, especially American-style restaurants and bars that have been authentically transplanted to Japan. During this trip, having indulged in Japanese cuisine for several days, I decided to experience this unique culture in Iwakuni. I found a handmade hamburger specialty shop, The Broccoli Grill, located near Iwakuni Station. The restaurant is on the second floor of a regular building, not overly conspicuous but still identifiable with a sign. After climbing the stairs, you'll see a door on the left with a handle modified from a gas pipe. How to open it is something we pondered for a while. Whether to push forward or pull to the left is an enigma that you'll have to figure out when you visit! Upon entering, the first thing you notice is the counter area, and on the right, there are table and chair seats for dining. The tables are slightly spaced apart, preventing overcrowding. This arrangement might limit the space for the restaurant to accommodate more customers, but whether for family gatherings, friend meet-ups, or romantic dates, it ensures that diners won't disturb each other during meals and conversations, showing thoughtfulness. The restaurant's signature, of course, is the hamburgers. The menu is designed to be clear and amusing. Even if you don't understand Japanese or English, looking at the menu's illustrations will instantly convey the ingredients of each hamburger. Hamburgers come with freshly fried French fries, and you can additionally order other items like salad, chicken wings, or grilled steak. Apart from alcoholic beverages, non-drinkers can choose non-alcoholic drinks. On that day, I noticed that probably more than half of the customers were Westerners, likely foreign residents in Japan. They didn't seem like tourists; some interacted with the staff as if they were regulars, perhaps indicating that they are frequent customers! On one corner of the wall, there are American dollar bills left as tips, and one boldly stated, "Best Burgers in JAPAN." While the burgers are undoubtedly delicious, claiming to be the best in Japan might be a bit of an exaggeration, but I can't vouch for that! Address: 3-9-7 Mari-fuchi, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi, 2nd Floor of Shiraki Building Business Hours: 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Access: About a 5-7 minute walk from Iwakuni Station.

哦不~💕 找到一家您想去的商店(如果它在您家附近)! ! 熱氣騰騰的肉餅,肉量充足,口感耐嚼,幾乎會燒傷你。就算你想咬它,也咬不到!它之所以這麼厚,是因為有脆脆的生菜、紫洋蔥和粘糊糊的奶酪……我確信這不僅僅是因為煎蛋配料。薯條很脆。包子的最後一口,被包裝紙底部積聚的肉汁潤濕,是必須嘗試的。黑板上的菜單上有看起來很美味的鰹魚乾和熟肉醬,還有自製的香腸,光是看著就讓人有想用IPA乾杯的感覺。

岩國鎮是美軍基地,有許多餐廳提供美味的漢堡包。 位於白木大廈2樓,靠近麻里府町第三街區公園。 平日11:30開門,我自己坐的是靠窗的座位。 (窗外是麻里府町第三街區公園) 除了我之外,所有的客人都是美國人。 漢堡 ¥1,150-1,550 選擇培根奶酪(含稅1,550日元)。 午餐時間,您可以添加 3 個副菜中的 2 個(湯、沙拉、土豆)。 我選擇了炸薯條和蔬菜沙拉。 烤出的完美麵包口感鬆軟,味道鮮美,肉餅和培根的肉味,襯托出的番茄,生菜的新鮮,讓您享受到正統漢堡的真正樂趣。 這裡的肉餅是100%的牛肉,有點硬,有嚼勁,與美味結合在一起真是太棒了。 在橫須賀和佐世保的特色餐廳,我會輕輕按住漢堡,將其翻轉過來,去掉底部的麵包,然後在肉餅的背面輕輕地塗上番茄醬和芥末。 店主和他的妻子經營的一家商店。店裡有5個桌位(其中一個有2個座位,另一個有4個座位)。座位之間有足夠的空間。感覺就像吃完飯就立刻離開座位一樣。 位於岩國市中心,沒有專門的停車場,但是如果你去快餐連鎖店兩次,絕對推薦去這裡一次。




