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FooTinder - 美食餐廳 x 推薦地圖PureFunc Co., Ltd
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位於 SoHo, 1-5 Elgin St, Central, 香港 的 日本餐廳 居酒屋

👇 點擊導航 👇




4.2 (337 則評論)



開始營業時間: 18:00










入口不太好找沒有門牌,店內環境暗暗的,食物好吃但是量很小份,蛤蜊(如圖)不太好吃之外,其他店的東西都蠻喜歡!三個女生點五道菜、三杯酒 份量足夠(8分飽)供參考

《Every dish was DELECTABLE | 全香港最好吃的玉米?!》 📍 Fukuro 📍 中環 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹 • 伊利近街1-5號永利大廈地舖 〔 follow me on instagram @sikbaobaola ! ^^ 〕 < Fukuro > is a celebrated izakaya in Soho, Central. They were walk in only but recently they've started taking reservations. Now you can book a table to avoid having to queue for a much wanted seat! Staff was energetic, welcoming every group of guests with loud chants. The restaurant has a welcoming ambience. Would love to stay longer, have a drink or two and chat till midnight. Sadly each booking gets to enjoy only 75 mins of dining time! Loved EVERY SINGLE DISH that we ordered, especially the [ Crispy caramel butter corn ], [ Edamame ], [ Drunken clams ] and the [ Kimchi udon ]. One must end his dinner at Fukuro with their one and only dessert course, [ Monaka ice cream sandwich ]. It tastes... interesting, and delicious. Sandwiched between crispy monaka wafer shells is seaweed ice cream with cherry jam on top. It was unexpectedly tasty with a nice balance between sweet and savory - not to be missed! Will definitely come back for all of these! 🤩 終於到訪了位於中環蘇豪的居酒屋《Fukuro》 他們的焦糖玉米最為人津津樂道,當然還有其他拿手菜,才會令他們成為這條街上人龍不絕的店! 每一道菜都超級好吃又特別、價錢不太貴、店員服務友善、氣氛好等等,真的是非常吸引的一間餐廳 他們曾經不設訂座,但最近開始接受網上訂座,方便更多想到訪的朋友! 可惜繁忙時段用餐時間只有75分鐘,只能期待重訪的機會! 〔推薦菜式 | 𝗪𝗲 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗱 & 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝗱〕 • Crispy caramel butter corn ($98) • Edamame ($48) • Drunken clams ($148) • Monaka ice cream sandwich ($68) • Saikyo miso black cod ($278) • Kimchi udon ($248) - Snow crab, uni miso • Salmon aburi ($178)

《中環高質𝐰𝐚𝐠𝐲𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨🥪》 ๑ Kimchi Udon $268 松葉蟹泡菜烏冬係成晚既第二最愛😛 彈牙既烏冬加上鮮甜既海膽味噌同韓式泡菜豐富層次感💥 必試🥳 Kimchi Udon was my second favourite of the night🤩 The chewy udon was super silky, and paired with the a delicate uni miso sauce that carried a hint of sweetness🧡 評分: 9/10🌟 ๑ Wagyu Sando $378 終於試到佢哋既名物 — 和牛三文治喇🥪 麵包烘至金黃色夠香脆💛 加埋入面個塊又香又淋既和牛真係冇得輸😌 絕對可以為咗佢再黎❤️‍🔥 Tried their most popular sando and it’s just amazing🤩 Bread was perfectly toasted, it’s so buttery and crunchy🍞 The wagyu inside was definitely the highlight of the night✨ It’s super duper soft, meaty and juicy😋 Would love to back for this😍 評分: 9/10🌟 ๑ Drunken Clams $148 用咗梅酒同七味鹽整成既酒煮醉蜆比想像中重酒味👀 不過蜆肉夠鮮甜值得一試😎 Drunken Clams soaked in plum sake had a strong alcohol taste🍶 but I still loved it, so fresh🥰 評分: 8/10🌟 ๑ Prawn Tempura $158 大蝦天婦羅炸得非常香脆⚡️入面既蝦肉都夠彈牙🦐 點埋醬汁就更加出色滋味🤍 In loved with this crunchy Prawn Tempura🍤 The sauce just enriched the tempura🫶🏻 評分: 8.5/10🌟 ๑ Spinach Ohitashi $88 芝麻醬菠菜烤白芝麻醬係一個比較健康既選擇😆 除咗份量足外 調味都唔錯添🤣 Spinach Ohitashi was a healthy pick🌿 Despite the portion was huge, the dressing was rich too😚 評分: 8/10🌟 ๑ Monaka Ice Cream Sandwich $68 和式紫菜雪糕三文治既味道你又想唔想像到😳 食落鹹鹹地同雪糕面頭既焦糖醬好夾 唔錯🤎 Could you imagine ice cream in seaweed flavour?🤯 It’s slightly and paired well with the caramel sauce🍯 Quite good and really creative🤪 評分: 9/10🌟 ๑ Unagi Kamameshi Hot Pot Rice $278 冬天必食鰻魚釜飯配砵酒照燒汁🍲 鰻魚幾軟滑但唔夠熱🥹 反而鐵鍋煮到黃金色既飯焦就更加滋味🤞🏻 同埋食飯有汁真係好食勁多😽 Unagi Kamameshi Hot Pot Rice was perfect for winter❄️ Unagi was still soft and juicy after grilling😻 With using kamameshi to cook, rice had been scorched and turned to golden yellow was crispy🔥 The sweet and savoury sauce just enriched the whole dish to the next level💫 評分: 7.5/10🌟 ———————————————————————————— Fukuro (中環) 中環伊利近街1-5號永利大廈地舖 𓍼 #foodietiffhk 𓍼 #foodietiff推介 𓍼 #foodietiff中環 𓍼 #foodietiff生日飯✨ #hongkong #hongkongtravel #hkcafe #hongkongcafe #hkfood #hongkongfood #hkfoodlover #foodaholichk #hkfoodie #cafehopping #fukuro #香港美食 #美食推介 #美食攝影 #中環美食 #中環日本菜 #和牛三文治 #香港好去處 #다방 #홍콩 #홍콩맛집 #홍콩일상생활베지




