台中市北屯區|路易斯炸雞Louis Fried Chicken 水湳總店
位於 406台中市北屯區大鵬路16-1號 的 美式餐廳
👇 點擊導航 👇
4.7 (202 則評論)
開始營業時間: 15:00
雞排感覺有醃製過,外皮酥脆、微微甜甜辣辣的! 最喜歡的是杏鮑菇、一口魷魚酥😍
Welcome to follow our Instagram ❤️ 喜歡的話也可以追蹤我們的ig 唷! Instagram: eatyhoho.ed (Eng version below) 哈哈哈抱歉 前陣子出了車禍 所以要花一點時間養傷🤣🤣 現在滿血復活啦啦‼️ 這是水湳市場下午才開使營業的炸雞店 炸雞很香 每次經過都被會吸引 這次終於來吃了~ 雙人餐 $239 ✨四塊雞 我們拿到的是1腿1翅2胸 是美式炸雞的外皮 咬起來很酥脆咔滋咔滋的❤ 雞肉部分算是多汁 水分保留得很好👍🏻 尺寸都屬於正常大小 不會特別迷你 是好吃的! ✨附餐 可以在55元的單點項目選一種 我們選了雞蛋豆腐 外面炸的果然比家裡自己煮的好吃😂 加一點胡椒粉 嫩嫩的 ✨2杯飲料 我們選了雪碧和冬瓜茶 冬瓜茶不會很甜 還蠻OK的 10%服務費:❌ 🪞總結:這是一間我們每次經過都會回頭看的店 因為很香而且有時候很多人 就好奇到底味道怎麼樣(愛湊熱鬧😆 總之我們覺得很不錯 CP值算高 不過這條街附近不太好停車 緊鄰市場所以行人也多 要注意安全😊🐾 📍406台中市北屯區大鵬路16-1號 🔖#ED台中吃不停、#ED北屯吃不停、#ED吃不停 🔖#ED吃炸雞 - Haha sorry that we occured a car accident recently, but it's getting better now. So I am back🫶🫶 This shop is located around Shuinan market and was famous for its signature fried chicken🐔 Meal B $239 ✨Fried chicken *4 It’s a meal that you cannot select the parts, however, we got 1 drumstick, 1 wing, 2 breasts🤩 The size is fair and the flesh is succulent and tender‼️ We are satisfied with them🍗🍗 ✨Fries *1 (L) You can choose one item in $55, we had fried egg tofu, it's more compact than the silken tofu but softer than the regular type👍🏻👍🏻 ✨Beverage *2 We chose 1 sprite and 1 white gourd drink, the drink is not very sugar😙 10% service fee charged: ❌ 🪞Summary: The whole meal is fair and tasty with juicy chicken, but this portion is more siutable for 1 man or 2 girls😂 Glad that we also ordered other foods near around, it is suggested to go the night market and get some fried chickens here❤ Or maybe you can order by phone to expedite the waiting process😉 🔖#EDintaichung #EDinbeitun 🔖#EDeatfriedchicken