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FooTinder - 美食餐廳 x 推薦地圖PureFunc Co., Ltd
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日本 Hokkaido, Sapporoこく一番 ラーメン みどりや

位於 15 Chome-2-13 Minami 18 Jonishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 064-0918日本 的 拉麵店 餐廳

👇 點擊導航 👇




4.3 (1120 則評論)



開始營業時間: 10:30













Whether it's well built mid-age guys or housewives, they all order fried rice set (a bowl of normal sized ramen plus a large plate of fried rice) which is definitely more than an average person portion. The shop seems expecting guests to pack the leftover, they have takeaway box ready (¥30) for guests to pack the fried rice. We ordered the fried oyster set ramen meal and the Gillette pork chop curry ramen meal, the fried oyster set meal and curry rice turned out to be produced by the fried food shop next door. The fried oysters were outstanding, the pork chop curry was average. When ordering, I forgot to specify the ramen soup base, and the chef has served us one soy sauce soup ramen and a miso soup ramen. The miso soup is tasty but slightly salty for non-Japanese, probably due to busy eating the eight slices of barbecue pork (char siu), the soy sauce soup did not leave much impression. The price is absolutely affordable and the portion can be split for two meals, in exchange for a long wait. Even after sitting down, you have to wait more than 15 minutes for the food to be served. So I watched the chef preparing fried rice while waiting, then I knew why everyone ordered fried rice. Honestly, food taste is not remarkable yet the ingredients are generous for both ramen and fried rice, (when so many ramen shops only give a thin slice of char siu), absolutely value for money. In additional to the food, staff (or owners?) are very nice, always wear humble smiles on their faces (can tell even they are still wearing masks 😆) 不論是身型壯碩的大叔,還是太太們都是點炒飯餐(一碗拉麵加一大碟炒飯)份量絕對超過一般人的食量。店主亦貼心準備外賣盒(¥30)方便客人將炒飯打包。 我們點了炸蠔定食拉麵餐和吉列豬扒咖喱拉麵餐,炸蠔定食和咖喱飯原來是旁邊的炸物店出品。炸蠔出色,豬扒咖喱不過不失。 點餐時忘記指明拉麵湯底,結果㕑司發辨一碗正油一碗味噌。味噌湯惹味但對外國人來說略咸,可能是忙著吃碗中八片叉燒的關係,正油湯底入口沒有很突出。 價錢親民份量驚人,換來是漫長的等候,即使入坐後還要等十多分鐘才上菜。於是一邊等便一邊看師傅炒飯,看過便知道為何人人也點炒飯餐。 味道合格有餘,對客人友善,不論炒飯還是拉麵的用料都毫不吝嗇(當很多拉麵店都只給一塊薄薄的叉燒)加上驚人的份量,性價比滿分。 下次一定要點炒飯餐。

這是我到札幌第一次吃的拉麵 味道真的不錯 所以我很快就吃完了 在台灣我也常吃拉麵 算是拉麵的愛好者 這拉麵讓我對札幌拉麵印象非常好 其實我食量不大~ 但是卻能夠吃完近一整碗~ 好吃👍

個人相當推薦的札幌拉麵,ラーメンこく一番,位於藻岩山下的纜車附近,建議開車前往,車子可以停在對面月極駐車場的31~39號 因為是在地勞工朋友非常喜愛的拉麵店,如果平日前往的話需要等待,等待的時候如果人不多的時候有位置可以坐 這裡推薦點850日元的炒飯,會免費附贈小碗的拉麵;說是小碗,其實也是好大一碗,叉燒好幾片;叉燒非常美味,入口即化,挑選的部位肥瘦適中,不柴不膩,一片一片入口也完全不會厭倦 炒飯真的好大一碗,我們去的那天就看到略有年紀勞工朋友吃不完外帶;炒飯炒的很香,很均勻,看得出來老闆的用心 這家店基本上炒飯、拉麵都是老闆親自製作,老闆是個年輕小夥子,但是看得出來很堅持,不論是炒飯的製作、或者是放置拉麵的配料,都很細心謹慎 我們另外有點醬油拉麵跟味增拉麵,叉燒我忘了五片還是六片,這種價格竟然那麼多片又那麼好吃,真是痛哭流涕;麵條老闆放了好大一把,但是完全不沾黏、條條分明有點咬緊不會太硬,剛好是本人最喜歡的口感;湯頭更是沒話說,不論是鹽味、醬油或者味增,三種各有春秋,老闆一定費了很大功夫熬湯; 附帶一提,這間店十一點開門,沒有特定關門時間,但是湯頭沒了就會閉店;我是中午去的,不確定到底湯頭可以撐到幾點用完,但是生意不錯;另外,因為餐點基本上都是老闆親自準備,所以出餐速度不快,需要等待,老婆一度等到快要發怒,不過叉燒跟麵吃下肚就沒再抱怨,哈哈哈




