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日本 Hokkaido, Sapporo浜焼き海鮮居酒屋 大庄水産 札幌・読売北海道ビル店

位於 日本〒060-0004 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 4 Jonishi, 4 Chome−1 読売北海道ビル 2階 的 居酒屋

👇 點擊導航 👇




3.7 (552 則評論)



結束營業時間: 22:30













Daisho Fisheries Sapporo is a fantastic seafood restaurant that I would highly recommend to anyone visiting Sapporo. From the moment you enter the restaurant, you are greeted with a warm and inviting atmosphere that sets the tone for a wonderful dining experience. The restaurant specializes in seafood, and the quality of the fish is simply outstanding. Each dish is expertly prepared, using only the freshest and highest quality ingredients. The chefs at Daisho Fisheries Sapporo are skilled in their craft and are passionate about delivering a top-notch dining experience to every guest. In addition to the incredible food, the service at Daisho Fisheries Sapporo is exceptional. The staff is friendly, attentive, and knowledgeable, and they go above and beyond to ensure that every guest feels comfortable and satisfied. Whether you are a seafood lover or trying it for the first time, the staff will guide you through the menu and suggest the best dishes to suit your taste. Overall, Daisho Fisheries Sapporo is an outstanding seafood restaurant that I would highly recommend to anyone visiting Sapporo. The combination of exceptional food, top-notch service, and a warm and inviting atmosphere make it a must-visit for anyone looking to indulge in some of the best seafood in town. Daisho Fisheries Sapporo is known for its exceptional seafood dishes, and there are several popular menu items that are worth trying. Here are a few of the most popular dishes at Daisho Fisheries Sapporo: 1. Kaisen-don: This is a popular Japanese rice bowl dish that features an assortment of fresh seafood, such as salmon, tuna, scallops, and shrimp, served over a bed of rice. At Daisho Fisheries Sapporo, the kaisen-don is particularly noteworthy for its generous portions of high-quality seafood. 2. Grilled Hokkaido scallops: Hokkaido is known for its delicious scallops, and the ones served at Daisho Fisheries Sapporo are no exception. These large, juicy scallops are grilled to perfection and served with a side of butter and soy sauce. 3. Sashimi platter: Daisho Fisheries Sapporo offers a variety of sashimi platters, featuring the freshest seafood available. The platters often include a variety of fish, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel, as well as other seafood like squid and octopus. 4. Crab hot pot: This is a popular winter dish in Japan, and Daisho Fisheries Sapporo's version is a must-try. The hot pot is filled with fresh crab, vegetables, and a flavorful broth, creating a comforting and satisfying meal. 5. Uni (sea urchin): Uni is a delicacy in Japan, and the uni served at Daisho Fisheries Sapporo is particularly delicious. The uni is fresh and creamy, with a delicate flavor that pairs well with other seafood dishes. These are just a few of the many delicious dishes that you can try at Daisho Fisheries Sapporo. The restaurant's menu changes seasonally, so there's always something new and exciting to try. 大庄水產是一家絕妙的海鮮餐廳,我極力推薦所有前來札幌的人來品嚐。一進入餐廳,你就會感受到熱情且令人愉悅的氛圍,為美好的用餐體驗打下基礎。 餐廳專門提供海鮮,而且魚類品質非常優良。每道菜都是專業烹調,只使用最新鮮和最高品質的食材。大庄水產的廚師們熟練掌握烹飪技巧,對於提供優質的用餐體驗充滿熱情。 除了美食之外,大庄水產的服務也非常出色。工作人員友善、細心、知識豐富,竭盡所能確保每位客人感到舒適和滿意。無論你是海鮮愛好者還是首次嘗試,工作人員都會引導您閱讀菜單,並建議最適合您口味的菜品。 總之,大庄水產是一家絕佳的海鮮餐廳,我極力推薦所有前來札幌的人來品嚐。卓越的美食、優質的服務和熱情愉悅的氛圍結合在一起,成為任何想要享受城市中最好的海鮮美食的人必訪之地。 大庄水產以其出色的海鮮菜餚而聞名,有幾道非常受歡迎的菜式值得一試。以下是大庄水產最受歡迎的幾道菜: 1. 海鮮丼:這是一道非常受歡迎的日式海鮮飯碗,包括三文魚、金槍魚、扇貝和蝦等新鮮海鮮,放在一碗飯上。大庄水產的海鮮丼的海鮮份量特別豐盛。 2. 烤北海道扇貝:北海道以其美味的扇貝而聞名,而大庄水產提供的扇貝也毫不遜色。這些大而多汁的扇貝烤得完美,配上黃油和醬油。 3. 刺身拼盤:大庄水產提供各種刺身拼盤,使用最新鮮的海鮮。拼盤通常包括三文魚、金槍魚和鯖魚等各種魚類,以及魷魚和章魚等其他海鮮。 4. 蟹鍋:這是日本冬季非常受歡迎的一道菜,大庄水產的蟹鍋是必試的。這個鍋子裡滿滿的都是新鮮的蟹肉、蔬菜和美味的湯汁,讓人感到舒適和滿足。 5. 海膽:海膽在日本是一種美食,而大庄水產提供的海膽特別美味。海膽新鮮又豐潤,味道細緻,與其他海鮮菜式搭配得非常好。 這些只是你可以在大庄水產試試的許多美味菜式中的幾個。餐廳的菜單隨季節變化,所以總有新鮮和令人興奮的東西可以嘗試。






