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FooTinder - 美食餐廳 x 推薦地圖PureFunc Co., Ltd
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位於 220新北市板橋區文化路二段419號 的 粥餐廳

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4 (1273 則評論)



結束營業時間: 14:00













紅蟳粥之美好不言可喻,其濃郁的蟹香與蟹黃的豐潤交相輝映,佐餐的客家小炒、鹹蛋苦瓜、南乳燒肉以及麻辣皮蛋也都韻味十足,令人著迷。值得一提的是,店家的服務態度熱情積極,建議是等候時,先點選砂鍋粥,入席上桌再悠然挑選熱炒美味。而砂鍋一旦上桌,驚喜地發現雖為二人份,卻足供三人共享,正是份量剛剛好啊。 紅蟳粥除了盛載整隻鮮美的紅蟳,並伴隨著小干貝、魚丸及鮮甜沙蝦,濃郁鮮美的滋味,每一口都充滿海洋的滋味。至於砂鍋粥,鮮美無比,食材亦是上乘之選! 店家推薦的熱炒口味一流,特別值得一提的是南乳香酥肉,肉類油脂與甜味充分展現,十分美味;至於客家小炒,建議加辣,因為芹菜的份量稍微少了些,影響了口感,豬肉也多,而豆乾稍顯不足!而鹹蛋炒苦瓜則恰到好處,鹹蛋的濃郁與苦瓜的清苦相互輝映,實屬絕妙的組合。最後,切勿忘記品味皮蛋辣椒的下粥絕佳搭配。 而這一餐的總花費約為新台幣一千五百元,絕對是物超所值的價格。 The beauty of the red crab congee is beyond words, with its rich crab aroma and luscious crab roe complementing each other perfectly. Accompanied by Hakka stir-fry, salted egg bitter gourd, fermented bean curd roast pork, and spicy ma la century egg, all of them are full of delightful flavors that captivate the palate. It's worth mentioning that the restaurant's service is warm and proactive, and their suggestion is to order the clay pot congee while waiting and then leisurely choose from the hot dishes when seated. Once the clay pot arrives, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that even though it's meant for two, it's ample enough for three, just the right portion size. The red crab congee not only features whole, succulent red crabs but also comes with small scallops, fish balls, and fresh sweet white shrimp, creating a rich and delightful taste that's reminiscent of the sea in every bite. As for the clay pot congee, it's incredibly flavorful, and the ingredients used are of the highest quality. The recommended hot dishes from the restaurant are top-notch. Particularly worth mentioning is the fermented bean curd roast pork, where the richness of the meat and sweetness shine through, making it exceptionally delicious. Regarding the Hakka stir-fry, it's advisable to order it with extra spiciness since the quantity of celery is slightly reduced, affecting the texture, and there's plenty of pork, but the dried tofu is a bit scarce. The salted egg bitter gourd is just right, with the savory salted egg complementing the bitterness of the gourd, making it a fantastic combination. Lastly, don't forget to savor the century egg chili sauce, a perfect pairing with the congee. The total cost for this meal is approximately 1,500 Taiwanese dollars, which is definitely great value for the quality and taste you receive.

旁邊有地下室停車場。很方便。 建議用餐時間都要先預約。然後順便先預約當餐要吃什麼粥。讓店家先做準備。等人到餐廳後,五分鐘就能先上粥了。 店內有兒童餐具跟兒童餐椅。 但要上下二樓的時候確實要小心點。 店內的接待阿姨非常親切。 出菜速度很快。 店內廁所也很乾淨。 招待的茶飲也很好喝。 吃不完的部分都能打包回家。 只有現金交易。沒有刷卡服務。 重點的粥品。真材實料的好吃。 前面有些人批評的蝦殼問題。 我的看法是一撥就開了蝦殼蝦肉乾淨俐落的分離也沒有問題啊⋯⋯帶著蝦殼去煮確實會更有味道啊! 如果隨餐有小小孩的話,非常推薦芋泥捲跟月亮蝦餅。可以讓他們安靜的把兩盤餐點吃完。 唯一小小的遺憾就是,真的用餐空間偏小。四個人的用餐,那張餐桌真的擺不能超過五樣餐點。可能要注意一下。





