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FooTinder - 美食餐廳 x 推薦地圖PureFunc Co., Ltd
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位於 806高雄市前鎮區光華二路303號 的 冰品飲料店

👇 點擊導航 👇




4.8 (335 則評論)



開始營業時間: 09:00













# 炎炎夏日,外出沒買一杯飲料真的超痛苦⋯ 飲料喝多了不健康又胖😭🥲 前幾天經過 #茶聚 發現一款新品 #膠原貴妃飲 覺得超特別的啦!就點了一杯來喝看看⛱️ 淡淡的花果香氣,加上膠原凍,我點無糖的本身就有一些甜味在,很好喝耶!🥹🥰🥰 而且因為不太甜,非常解渴,裡面的膠原凍又可以解嘴饞😋哈哈哈! 「喝手搖飲也能變漂亮的秘密」#膠原貴妃 #保養級的手搖飲 #喝的美麗配方 ✅茶聚茶凍全面提升為「膠原茶凍」由高敏敏營養師推薦 #保養級手搖飲 #CHAGETEA #膠原茶凍 #膠原手搖飲 #營養師推薦

這次來買由營養師代言的「玫荔水水」🌹 Q彈的玫瑰膠原凍加上香甜荔枝紅茶 個人習慣喝無糖的茶~加上微甜果凍剛剛好 所以不管喜歡喝甜的或不甜的人都很適合 重點是低卡果凍好喝又無負擔🥰 因為是剛推出的新品超級搶手! 才剛上市沒多久~就缺貨了🥲 還好來這有買到最後一杯(呼~ 店內有超多付款方式💰 讓不喜歡帶現金出門的人也能輕鬆支付~ 推推店員人很親切也很熱心❤️ 茶聚的茶類喝起來沒有苦澀味 喝起來還有點淡淡的香氣 喜歡喝茶類的朋友可以來嘗試看看👍🏻

純茶類原本最愛香片珊珊,有獨特的香氣 有買給很愛喝純茶類的挑嘴同事喝過 因為各家茶類他都喝過,所以他喝得出來茶的好壞,他也覺得這間茶很不錯! 後來有一次朋友推薦黃金芯芽,喝了之後整個愛上! 因為我很怕喝純茶類,怕苦怕澀 但黃金芯芽喝起來超順口,完全不苦不澀,我是很少可以自己喝完一杯純茶手搖飲的人,但這個品項我可以!! 另一個住林園的朋友很愛蘋安紅,來前鎮家找我都會指名要喝茶聚蘋安紅😂 有一次我想喝點酸的,請店員推薦 ,他推薦鮮檸不知青,覺得很好喝~ 酸甜剛剛好,不會太酸也不會太甜~也很香 今天來點膠原凍,甜甜香香好好吃! 店員介紹說是用真的膠原蛋白粉做成的,成本很高,真的真材實料很好吃 配料部分也很多元化,有小芋圓、黃金熊貓(很特別),很適合咀嚼系的我🤣 店員人也很親切很好! 有時候叫外送,店裡人手不足剩一個人顧店無法外送,老闆還會說我自取幫我打85折🤣🤣 很有誠意很會做生意的店家! Pure tea was originally my favorite fragrant piece Shanshan, which has a unique aroma I bought it for my picky colleague who loves to drink pure tea. Because he has drunk all kinds of tea, he can tell whether the tea is good or bad, and he also thinks this tea is very good! Later, a friend recommended Golden Core Buds, and after drinking it, I fell in love with it! Because I am very afraid of drinking pure tea, afraid of bitterness and astringency But the golden core buds are super smooth to drink, not bitter or astringent at all. I am a rare person who can drink a cup of pure tea by hand, but I can do this product! ! Another friend who lives in Linyuan loves Ping An Hong very much. When he came to the town house, he would ask me to drink tea by name. 😂 Once I wanted to drink something sour, so I asked the clerk to recommend it, and he recommended Fresh Lemon Ignorant Green, which was delicious~ The sweet and sour is just right, not too sour and not too sweet ~ also very fragrant Let's have some collagen jelly today, it's sweet and delicious! The clerk said that it is made of real collagen powder, the cost is very high, the real material is really delicious The ingredients are also very diverse. There are small taro balls and golden pandas (very special), which are very suitable for me who are chewers 🤣 The shop assistants are also very kind and nice! Sometimes it is called delivery, and there is only one person left in the store to take care of the delivery, and the boss will say that I can pick it up and give me a 15% discount 🤣🤣 Very sincere and good at doing business!



